Monday, July 1, 2019

Inculcating Nature in the Classroom

Mother nature, might not speak any human language yet inspires humanity to seek and learn various things from her. From the rising of the sun, every day to the flowing of the river each part of nature has untold lessons and meaning which teaches the meaning of life.

Parents send their children to school for education. Where the real meaning of education doesn’t end with the fact make students sufficient enough to earn their living but to learn how to live life. So we at Heritage School North Campus CBSE school in Dehradun do right by keeping children close to nature. Bringing nature to classrooms can be the most alluring way to educate children. 

It can be done by-

- Nature Art Area

Have an art area in the classroom inspired by all the things from nature like leaves, twigs, dry flowers, stones, etc. This would bring a great level of creativity among children.

- Show Nature’s Simplicity

Show videos, images and have interactive sessions with students explaining them basic functioning and importance of nature. With these sessions teach them the habit of ‘early to bed, early to rise’.

- The 3R’s Rule

Teach them the 3R’s rule i.e Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. With these, ask them to plant seeds in waste plastic bottles that will teach them to practice the same in their homes.

- Schoolyard Garden

Have permission from school authorities to have a school garden where students are taught gardening plus, they plant some veggies. This will make them realize the importance of having a kitchen garden in their homes.

- Camping

Camping is the best, and most interactive activity that will make students leave their techno surrounded life and be in the lapse of nature. How to make a campfire, listening stories and cooking their own food would make them realize the beauty of life.

- Feed the Birds

Make a birdhouse, or hang a feeder outside the window filled with seeds for the birds. This will the quality of kindness and selflessness among the students.

- Keep Windows Open

Try to keep windows open as much as possible, and let them feel the purity of fresh air and not just being in heaters or air-conditioned rooms.

Closer you are to nature, the healthier and better life you live. Adapting such habit through schooling and classrooms go with one for a lifetime. So, it’s important to bring nature to classrooms, be natural in an era full of artificial things and we best Dehradun school ensure the same.

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