Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Brain Break Activities for Classrooms

Brain breaks are whole-class activities that give opportunities to do pause, move, and interact in a structured and safe way. To break the boredom of classrooms and to ensure better learning we The Heritage School North Campus top CBSE school in Dehradun ensure children perform the following brain break activities.

Trading Places

In this activity, make students stand behind their chairs. Teacher calls out a trait and children with that trait switch places. For e.g.- “Everyone with red bag”, the children who have red bags will switch places and the ones who do not have that trait stay at there place.

 Mingle, Mingle, Group!

Children walk around the classroom singing mingle, mingle softly. When teacher says, “group of 5”, children are to group themselves in the said number. The ones that are left behind must perform a task, for e.g. sing a song. Teacher can call any number for the group.

Freeze Dance

Children dance on the songs played by teacher, children must freeze when music stops, children must remain in the same position until, music plays again.

Find Out Fast

Teacher calls out a trait or a color, for e.g. “something black”, students must get to any object with the said trait quickly.


Give each student a paper plate, tell them to balance it on their head and walk from one end of the classroom to another, without dropping the plate. The one who drops the plate must perform a task such as “do 3 jumping jacks”.

Jump Skip Counting

Tell students to jump while skip counting for e.g., “jump while skip counting 3”. You could practice word spellings this way.

Musical Chairs

Arrange chairs in a single line, chairs should be one less than the number of children. Tell students to walk around the chair while the music is playing. Children must sit on the chair as soon as the music stops. The child who doesn’t get the chair performs a task, for e.g. jump 5 times.

Children tend to get bored in between lessons, brain break activities refreshes their mind which helps them concentrate and learn better. Thus, perform one brain break activity in between lecture, if children seem disinterested or bored. We best school in Dehradun make sure the children are always energetic.

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