Color wheel is an abstract organization of colors which shows the relationship between primary, secondary and tertiary colors. The color wheel includes blue, red and yellow as primary colors. Green, orange and violet are corresponding secondary colors. The tertiary colors include green-yellow, yellow-orange, orange-red, red-violet/purple, purple/violet-blue and blue-green.
Most color wheels are based on 12 divisions and include 3 primary colors, 3 secondary colors and 6 tertiary colors. However, some color wheels may add more intermediate colors by mixing primary and secondary colors and thus have 24 divisions. Being among the top CBSE schools in Dehradun we believe a learning color wheel is of paramount importance for children at.
Most color wheels are based on 12 divisions and include 3 primary colors, 3 secondary colors and 6 tertiary colors. However, some color wheels may add more intermediate colors by mixing primary and secondary colors and thus have 24 divisions. Being among the top CBSE schools in Dehradun we believe a learning color wheel is of paramount importance for children at.
Listed below are some points highlighting importance of teaching color wheel to children:
• Classification
Learning colors through color wheel helps children differentiate colors. This further helps them in classifying and sorting different objects based on their knowledge of colors.
• Enriches Vocabulary
By learning colors children learn to describe the world around them. Colors provide them with words to describe it. They now know the name of things they see around.
• Safety
Colors sometimes are the symbol of safety or health for us. In some cultures color red is a symbol of danger. By learning colors helps children to decode these symbols.
• Health
Some colors are a symbol of bad health. For e.g. blue bruises on your face indicates injury. It is only by learning colors that children can learn about the indications their skin is trying to give them.
At The Heritage School North Campus, one of the best CBSE schools in Dehradun, we are of the opinion that you can teach children about colors and color wheels in various ways. You can read it out from children’s books, or teach them practically by showing them objects of different colors or by showing them various videos. Whatever way you choose to teach them about the colors, ensure that you do it every day till they properly learn about different colors or else they might now be able to memorize it.
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