Monday, June 3, 2019

Importance of Extra-curricular Activities

It's needless to emphasize on the importance of reading books as it has been said time and again, but as experience says, books can definitely inculcate knowledge but the confidence and way to present certain things can come only when you participate and step out of the walls of your classroom.

Here are a few reasons that we at Heritage among the top CBSE schools in Dehradun have laid for you:

- All-Rounder

Not a master of one, but being a jack of all trades holds great importance in life. Being acquired with numerous skills makes a person an all-rounder, which means there will always be numerous options to choose from.

- Better Focus on Studies

A person who is involved in various activities often has a great sense of focus and keen on observation, this, therefore, holds key importance when it comes down to having a focus on studies.

- Exploration

When participating in a number of events and gathering, one gets to explore a lot of untried and unheard things. being an active participant in various activities lets you go and try things and gives a plethora of options to choose for as an area of interest in the future.

- Life Skills

Being participative in various things lets you get a better hold of yourself, one gets to be better at a lot of things including being wiser for the world. we get to acquire a lot of life sharpening skills from just being an active member.

- Turn a Hobby Into a Passion

Often, we practice things out of our hobbies or interest. By being out there and active, we get to do a number of activities and thus we get to explore our passions and key interest areas. and what is better than doing something you love for the rest of your life?

Learning doesn’t always come from being inside a classroom, for some you have to go out and step in the real world. We at Heritage the best school in Dehradun emphasize more on a holistic approach than a streamlined approach.

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